When The Dryer Doesn’t Complete A Cycle

panasonic appliance repairIf your dryer starts, and then suddenly stops, it can be easy to assume the worst. Don’t inherently believe that just because your dryer doesn’t complete a cycle, that it is beyond the point of repair. There can be a number of reasons as to why a dryer starts, only to stop at some point during the cycle. For example, if there is a consistent pattern to when the dryer fails, it could be a specific part causing the trouble.

We are HandiFix Appliance Repair. Our team of technicians will diagnose and replace any parts that have become worn out or broken, causing your dryer cycles to become erratic. This is certainly not an ideal way to dry your clothes. It could also be an indication of something more serious with the dryer that needs to be addressed. Chances are, if the dryer cycle isn’t completing, there are probably some other issues to contend with.

The Dryer Thermal Fuse

Your dryer thermal fuse is necessary as a means of maintaining temperature during a cycle in your dryer. Without this component, the dryer may not start at all. It may also start a cycle, only to fail at some point. It may also be an indication that some other part of your dryer has become clogged. For example, the vent tube may need to be addressed.

The Dryer Motor

This is one of the first things we’re going to check, if the dryer isn’t completing a cycle. One of the biggest signs that your dryer motor needs to be replaced is if it suddenly starts to run much warmer than it normally does. The motor has a period in which it cools down. This is designed to prevent burnout, but this measure will fail eventually. No matter how cool the motor gets, it isn’t going to start up.

The Blower Wheel

This fan works to move warm through your dryer, and then on to a vent at the rear. During a cycle, it is not impossible for something to become stuck in this fan. If the dryer doesn’t complete a cycle, this could be the culprit.

Contact us today for an dryer repair appointment.

The video is only for education purposes. Please contact HandiFix Appliance Repair if you need the professional help.

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